Are you looking for Kulula Flights to Cape Town? Use the flight booking tool above to book Kulula Flights to Cape Town. Please note, it may take a few seconds for the booking engine to load.
Kulula Flights to Cape Town
Book Kulula Flights to Cape Town using the flight booking tool at the top of the page. You can book Kulula flights from:
Lanseria to Cape Town
Johannesburg to Cape Town
Durban to Cape Town
Did you know that Comair Limited is the parent company of Kulula and British Airways Domestic and Regional? Comair has been in operation for more than 65 years and is one of South Africa’s oldest airlines.
Due to the partnership between Kulula and British Airways, you can also book flights from:
Port Elizabeth to Cape Town
Johannesburg to Cape Town
Durban to Cape Town
Book flights to Cape Town using the flight booking tool at the top of this page.
Kulula flights to Cape Town from Johannesburg
Searching for Kulula flights to Cape Town from Johannesburg? This is an extremely popular route. There are more than 30 flights per day to Cape Town from Johannesburg. There are about 7 Kulula flights to Cape Town from Johannesburg every day!
Kulula flights to Cape Town from Johannesburg take about 2 hours. Compare that to the 13 hours and 35 mins it would take you to drive, you can see why most people would prefer to fly. It is about 1,397 km by road via the N1.
Kulula flights to Cape town from Durban
Kulula flights to Cape town from Durban are also very popular. There are about 10 flights in total per day to Cape Town from Durban. Kulula has daily flights to Cape Town from Durban.
Kulula flights to Cape town from Durban take about 2 hours and 15 minutes. Mango Airlines, British Airways, and SaFair also operate regular flights from Durban to Cape Town. When you use the flight booking tool at the top of this page, you will see that we compare flight ticket prices with all of the aforementioned airlines.
Book Kulula flights to Cape town from Durban using the flight booking tool at the top of this page.
Kulula flights from Johannesburg to Cape Town prices
Looking for the cheapest flights from Johannesburg to Cape Town? Look no further. Were you looking for “Kulula flights from Johannesburg to Cape Town prices”? If you are really lucky, you can grab a bargain and buy a Kulula flight from Johannesburg to Cape Town for as little as R240 per person (one way).
We regularly have Kulula sales and special offers. If you want to be informed of a Kulula Special Offer, you need to join our Deal Alert Newsletter and our facebook page.
Kulula flights from Johannesburg to Cape Town prices vary depending on how long in advance you book and the day and time of the day that you want to fly. As a rule of thumb, you could expect to pay in the region of R1000 for a return ticket. Keep in mind it really depends on when you want to travel and how far in advance you are booking.
Our best advice is to book as soon as possible to secure the best deals. The cheapest Kulula flights from Johannesburg to Cape Town sell out quickly.
If you are searching for “Kulula flights from Cape Town to Johannesburg today”, then you have left it rather late. The good news is there are plenty of flights so you will probably sill be able to find a flight at this short notice. The one drawback is that you will struggle to find a cheap flight as they will have been sold out.
Stop searching for “Kulula flights from Cape Town to Johannesburg prices”. You have come to the right place. Go ahead and book your flight!
Kulula flights from Nelspruit to Cape Town
Looking for Kulula flights from Nelspruit to Cape Town? We have some bad news for you. There are no Kulula flights from Nelspruit to Cape Town. The good news is South African Airways (SAA) do have regular flights from Nelspruit to Cape Town.
You can book South African Airways Flights from Nelspruit to Cape Town using the flight booking tool at the top of this page.
Kulula flights from Windhoek to Cape Town
You can fly from Windhoek to Cape Town with Kulula’s partner airline, British Airways. The flights from Windhoek to Cape Town go via Johannesburg.
You can book direct flights from flights from Windhoek to Cape Town with Air Namibia and South African Airways (SAA). There are often return flight from as little as R3000.
Kulula flights from PE to Cape Town
We have some great deals on Kulula flights from PE to Cape Town. It should be noted that the Kulula flights from PE to Cape Town are operated by Kulula’s partner, British Airways. So your flights from PE to Cape Town will be operated by British Airways.
Kulula flights East London to Cape Town
Are you searching for “Kulula flights East London to Cape Town”. The good news is that there are Kulula flights from East London to Cape Town. The less awesome news is that you will have to transfer in Johannesburg. The total journey time is about 5 hours which includes a layover of about 1 and a half hours. On the bright side, Kulula flights East London to Cape Town are not very expensive.
You should also consider FlySaFair flights from PE to Cape Town. FlySaFair operate direct flights between Pe and Cape Town. The flight time for direct flights from PE to Cape Town is only 1 hour 45 minutes.